Friday, September 23, 2011

National Geographic

I randomly came across a National Geographic show on Netflix that was titled China's Lost Girls. We watched it tonight. It was about American couples going to China to adopt baby girls. It was neat watch. I'm pretty sure that I'd be ok with adopting a baby girl from China too! It's just so crazy to think that someday Brandon and I will have a similar experience of traveling to Ethiopia to meet out child and see where they come from. It just feels so far off. It almost feels like that day might never come. I'm sure that's how parents who are pregnant feel with their due dates so far off. We have a rough time frame of 10-24 months but it's not like we have a due date. But God knows. God knows exactly when He wants to give us our little ones. He knows exactly the day when Brandon and I will be ready to be parents. I rest in that peace. He is the Creator and I am merely the created. He is always in control.

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